The Future Homes
Today, technology is at very high level and day by day it is being upgraded. This technologies are being used in the Automobiles, Companies, and as well as in showrooms. The new gadgets improve the quality and level of that place. Like that in future might be the houses should also have the gadgets for its improvement.
In the olden days first people lives in caves and there was no source of light in the cave, therefore man afterward invented fire and it was the greatest invention of that time. Now in the modern times we use bulbs for light source and we turn on the lights by clicking on the lights. But in this modern time there is an alternate solution for turning on light that is to turn on using our smartphone or just by clapping hands or speaking something.
Many things have now alternate solution like for Fans, Televisions, etc. Now in future our homes can be very advanced and we can just do any work without standing towards that work and we can do many works at a time. Might there will be anything like Google Assistance in which we can get any kind of information. Our homes can also get connected to internet and automatically change the lights by using time such as for day daylight or lights will be off or for evening the evening lights will glow and at night nightlight should glow. The doors of house can be automated and it can be opened automatically. The doors can also have the face scanning and eye scanning technology that the doors can only be opened by the authorized person and the thefts can not open the door. ≅
Future homes must have any talking thing like Google Assistance that it can talk with the people in the house and left the boringness aside. There would be smart appliances that can work on their self and turn on or off when needed or not needed. There would be the system that the house can automatically track the electricity usage and the internet usage and make a tally of all the usages automatically. There would be the smart bathrooms that can understand the needs of the man and give them the type of bath which they want.
They future homes must be very intresting.!!
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